Halo Infinite has various collectibles scattered throughout the game world, including audio logs, skulls, and Spartan Cores. The game's second mission sends Master Chief to the Foundation, where he must make his way to the surface of the Ring. As with the previous mission on the Warship Gbraakon, this includes four collectibles. Players will find three audio logs, one of which automatically unlocks during the mission, and one skull.
Players should note that progressing to Halo Infinite's third chapter will prevent them from being able to backtrack and look for missed items. The current state of Infinite's campaign prevents players from replaying past missions, although 343 Industries has confirmed it will implement an update that will allow missions to be replayed. For now, players who want 100 percent completion must find all items the first time around or restart the mission before progressing to the next. Here's how to find all of the Foundation's collectibles.
How To Find The Skull Cowbell
Finding this skull requires some grapple shot acrobatics. After meeting Weapon, Master Chief will come across an open area with distinct, climbable pillars on either side. The skull is located on a central beam near the ceiling by the entrance. Players can either get this skull before the UNSC audio log that automatically unlocks or afterward.
If players choose to get this skull before progressing to the next pedestal, they will need to use the grapple shot on the left row of pillars. If players choose to wait, they will receive UNSC audio log "The Question" and can then access the rightmost set of pillars thanks to a platform next to the area exit. In either case, use the grapple shot to travel across the pillars. Then, use the grapple shot to reach the lower beam of the central structure.
The skull players obtain in mission two is called "Cowbell." Using this skull modifier increases the acceleration of explosions.
How To Find The Banished Audio Log
Players will find the Banished audio log after Weapon has extended bridges for Master Chief to cross. The audio log, "Cylix," is the second in Escharum's Testimony. It is on a crate left of the exit players reach once Master Chief has finished clearing the area of Brutes and Grunts.
How To Find The UNSC Audio Log
The final item in Foundation is the UNSC audio log "Not My Fault," the first in the Prisoner set. Players do not need to worry about going out of their way to find this audio log before progressing too far. It is located in a Cylix room alongside a power cell that Master Chief will eventually need in order to activate the elevator and leave the Foundation.